Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hard Work Pays Off!!

    Take it from somebody that recently got accepted into Medical School. Hard Work. Pays. Off. However, before you get to that moment when everything starts going right, you must go through a few years where things seem to go nowhere. You must really WORK HARD. Weeks after weeks where all you do is go to the library (or wherever it is you study), do research, volunteer work,no personal time, little sleep, it's like you're hiding in your own personal cave.

      You WILL reach moments when you doubt the choosing this career at all. Is it really worth it? Do I really want to be a doctor this badly? Is there anything else easier to do? It is at these moments when the really devoted students come through, and when the people that are in it for the wrong reasons switch to something else. If you are one of those that have made it through the darkest of the night, this blog post is for you.    

       When you finally get the call for your first interview, it's like spotting an oasis in the desert. Waiting for the call is the most stressful period because at this point because you've done all you can do, and there's nothing else but to wait. If you're at this stage, you are almost there. But if you haven't, keep going!! Being stubborn ( or as I like to call it--perseverant lol) will come in very handy. Through every all-nighter, through every marathon of tests, through hours and hours of MCAT studying, keep going!!!! Don't let any of these get you down. Because the day you've been waiting for gets closer and closer with each step. If you are a true physician at heart you know the goal is worth it. Getting there can be a long, frustrating journey, but you can do it. Keep away from insecure thoughts. Doubts just bring weak behavior and even more doubting thoughts. Don't loose focus from the goal. Every step is one step closer.


1 comment:

  1. Hola, your blog is excellent and very informative, I appreciate the time you take in writing it! I recently graduated from USF with my BSN, RN and I am looking to apply to med school(s) next year as a non-traditional older student. I have to finish Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics. How would you recommend studying for the new MCATS while working and taking science classes? (My budget is limited as an out-of-state student so I can't afford the in-class Master's MCAT review course offered at USF.) I received A's and B's during college, but made the mistake of taking Organic in a summer post-bac 3-week accelerated session and received a low score. How will this affect my application when I retake Orgo for a better score? My GPA before that horrific summer session was around a 3.8. What would you recommend I do to make myself more competitive in the med school application process while balancing my current career in nursing? Muchos gracias for your time and concern!
